Saturday, July 21, 2007

A letter wrote to a Police Chief

I just read an article called "Gun buff wins round; cop fears 'Old West' " from the Chicago Tribune. It is written by Jeff Long.

After reading this article, I wrote a letter to the Cherry Valley Chief of Police. I have posted it here for you to read.


I believe you are over reacting about people who carry firearms. Personally
I have never had "Bad Things" happen during my many years of concealed carry. I
can actually give examples of "Bad Things" I stopped because I had my pistol
with me.

First: A woman in my apartment building was being beaten by her estranged
boyfriend. The whole building could hear it happening. I called 911 as did many
other units. I heard her escape him into the hallway, and I went out there with
my pistol. She ran past me and he was a ways behind. He looked at me as said
"What the **** do you want?" and then saw the pistol in my hand. He stopped
and made his way directly to the stairs. The woman was then let into my
apartment until police and ems arrived. She was taken to a local hospital for
treatment. I gave my statement to the police, to wit one officer thanked me for

Second: A friend and I were driving down one of the main roads of my
hometown. We were both amazed to see a fight break out in the middle of traffic
in which one of the parties was trying to beat a black man with a chain. It was
apparent that he was trying to do more than hurt him. We stopped our vehicle and
drew arms as both of us were licensed to carry. I called 911 at the same time.
With in moments we had police arrive and take over the scene. Again, I was
thanked for our involvement.

(Please note that in both of these I never even had to fire my

Sir, are you ignorant of the facts that having licensed, trained citizens
would actually help your efforts in controlling crime? I didn't just get one
permit, but I have three and am getting a forth. In addition to this I have
taken classes beyond what was needed to get my permits. I have even been invited
to shoot with some officers, and have out shot quite a few on a regular basis,
however not all. My point is that nationally many states have Concealed Weapons
Permits, and the feared blood shed and wild west antics have never happened.
Actually as a result, many state have experienced very noticeable drops in their
crime rates.

I will support your standing that citizens should not be allowed to carry
guns for self defense when you can promise me that all police departments can
respond in under a minute to ALL situations regardless of their ability to call
911 or not. You and I know this will NEVER happen.

Why not instead help in developing a program which involves background
checks, training, and testing which when someone passes the aforementioned,
receives a permit? Did Minnesota explode into mad gunfights once the permits
became "Shall Issue"? We both know the answer was a resounding NO. Neither did
this happen in any other state that allows "Shall Issue" permits.

In addition to this, I saw you said "But I'm not aware of any police
officer who would advocate more handguns on the street." I am curious of this,
because every officer I have ever met so far but one have supported concealed
weapons when it involved permitted citizens. Maybe your officers are quite

Sir, even though I am not a citizen of your state, I ask you to please
examine the facts which are evident in many other states that permitted citizens
help reduce crime, and save lives. Allow your people to defend themselves and
others from crime. Allow your people the ability to decide for themselves. I too
do not want ALL people armed, but make it that the few who decide to take up
this right and great responsibility to help keep all of us safer that they have
a way to do it, and not be criminals for doing such.

In closing, I have to thank you and all of your officers who put your lives
on the line daily to defend and protect us, the citizens of this great country.
Please keep yourself and your officers safe so you all can go home to your
families at night, and I hope in time, give that ability to the law abiding
citizens of your area.

God Bless,

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I think I just figured something out.

As I have been writing here, I have been asking myself why do so many illegal immigrants want to move to the United States and while discussing this with my wife, she said something in relation with the fall of Rome which really got me thinking.

It isn't about money is it? Everyone knows there is other ways to make a lot of money, especially made easier in our southern neighbors where the rule of law is weaker.

It is about the rights you have here. Even an illegal immigrant is protected and covered under our laws of freedom and liberty. The saddest part about that is that our legal system has become warped and twisted, far from what our founding fathers had intended.

Everyone wanted to be Roman citizens because Roman Citizens had rights. So, apply that to today, and why are so many people running to the Democratic countries of the world? For the protections and rights of our countries. What do they not have in the lands they left? The protections and rights we enjoy on a daily basis.

So, how do we solve the problem of mass immigration? Would the best answer be to assist these people in making their countries more like what ours used to be when originally founded? Perhaps.

What would happen if we were able to help people create a better form of government than ours based on ours and the other free countries of the world? Quite simply, they could remove the current powers that be, and replace them with true believers. Heck, our country is a perfect example of things not to do, or mistakes already made to avoid.

I do not begrudge people wanting a better life, or seeking the rights and protections we enjoy on a daily basis, sometimes even in ignorance. However I do believe the whole world would be better if they stayed home and fixed their problems at the source.

I will admit I have sympathy for those being oppressed. I am glad for those who find freedom, but breaking the laws of the country that protects you to get these freedoms is wrong. Americans earned their rights with blood and hard work. We didn't always get it right, but we learn. I suggest that illegal immigrants learn from our ways and bring them home and make all their people aware of how they too could help themselves.

Honestly, I ask these illegals to do this before they anger the American people to a level thats causes unrest which will lead to hate.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fences and Walls, the difference is in the use.

I was reading an article called "Fencing Would Assist Border Agents" and my thoughts went to this subject and what I learned in history.

Fences and walls are bad or good depending on their uses.

If they are built to keep someone in (not including prisons and jails) which restricts them from freedom of movement like the Jews in Poland, it is wrong. Those walls and fences were traps. The food they got was what they could buy and passed through the fences to them. When their money ran out, they sold jewelry, family items, and even religious items. In time they even sold the gold in their teeth and the clothes they wore. When they ran out of items to trade, they died in mass. I suggest that everyone watches "The Nazi's: A Warning from History" which details many things about death camps, especially Treblinka. When moved from the Warsaw Ghettos to the death camps, the Jews were constantly imprisoned by walls and fences.

Now today, we can look to the Jews and many other people in how walls and fences are used for good. Walls and fences are being used to keep others who would hurt their people out. In our own society we use walls and fences to keep our own people safe, and that is the main difference. It is how a wall is used.

I have no problem using a wall to prevent criminals from gaining access to my house. I have no problem using a fence to keep convicted criminals in prison. I do have problems with walls that are built like the Berlin Wall which separated Germans from Germans. Now we must examine this a bit closer.

The Berlin Wall was built by the Soviets after World War II in 1961. Guard towers and land mines were placed to keep the East Germans in, and if they tried to cross to freedom, death was often the result. You could be shot for just approaching the fences and walls which made up the Berlin Wall. The Soviets would have spies in and amongst the populace listening for any talk of attempting an escape. If caught doing this, you faced prison or death.

This is not what we are doing today. Today we are asking that a fence be built to keep non-Americans out. Not just any non-Americans, but those wishing to enter illegally. Not only are many trying to enter illegally, many are bringing in drugs.
Border Agents arrested more than 1.1 million illegal aliens and seized more
than 1.3 million pounds of narcotics in the last year. BICE

So that equals more than a pound of drugs per person captured. Now we all know that the Border Patrol is trying their best, but we can easily guess that this is around 4 to 10 percent of what is actually coming across. So why not a fence? We are not building it to keep Americans or Legal Immigrants from traveling. We are not building it to imprison anyone. We are building it to protect our lands.

Whenever I hear that these people are only coming to find a better life, I always wonder about the Latin Kings, MS 13, Mexican Mafia, Nortenos, and Surenos just to name a few. This isn't even getting into the organizations which have been missed by mainstream media and law enforcement. Now I do know that not all the members of these gangs are illegal immigrants, but if you trace the history in each group and current memberships, you will find more than enough of illegals to make you concerned. Oh, and this isn't even mentioning the other gangs from groups originally coming from places not south of our border.

A fence is only a start. Call it a stop gap measure, but any slowing of the flow of illegals and drugs would do us some good, and buy us some time to figure out a better solution than what we currently have now, which is almost nothing.

Deport Them Now!!!

I read about an awesome website today. It is Deport Them Now!

I ask all of you to go and sign up and take action. If we do not make our government actually enforce the laws which they passed, then what good are they?

How is it we have these people how are supposed to SERVE the American public, and they pass laws to protect the American way, but then turn around and will not fund the departments which are made to carry out these laws?

Examples of STUPIDITY:
  1. Laws are passed which are to restrict "Psychologically Disturbed" persons from being able to buy guns, but the federal government doesn't fund the department which is to enforce this, and states make laws or just do not submit this information so that it is on the NICS.
  2. Laws are passed to deport illegal aliens which commit criminal acts, but cut the funding to the department which does the actual deportation.

So, here are only two examples of our own government basically giving the entire citizen population of the United States lip service, and then shafting us.

The only way we can get government to listen to us, We The People who elected them, is to write letters, fax them, email them, and to call them. Do not stop there. Call radio shows, write newspapers, and get your friends to do the same. Do it on a local level, do it on a state level, and do it on a national level.

Become active in all levels of politics. Ask your city to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask you county to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask you state to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask your Nation to ENFORCE the laws we already have, and to fund the people who carry out these laws.

I notice that we are ignored once they get into office, that is until you start contacting them on a regular basis. Make noise, a lot of noise! And if they continue to ignore you, vote them out of office.

We need to get our country back under the control of the people for the people.

Start today by going to Deport Them Now!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Special Treatment?

Should a child rapist, a bank robber, or murderer receive special treatment when in jail or prison? Apparently, some people think terrorists should be given special treatment.

If you want to see what I am talking about, search CNN Video for "Terrorist Attacked"

Alright, if you have been caught doing certain crimes, the fact is you might have pissed off even the other people in our jails and prisons. Perhaps our terrorists are surprised to find out even our criminals do not want them around. I know of a story I dealt with concerning something like this.

When I was a bail bondsman, I got a call regarding a convict who was in the process of being released, and was being held in his local jail for a few more days until his freedom. He didn't do anything violent, and even was being released early due to good behavior. He was told by some friends that I was hunting for someone who had run ins with him in the past, and they were enemies. This convict was going to give me information which would help me catch my skip, and didn't even want reward money for doing so. I made a meeting happen in the jail with him, and he gave me the scoop. Nothing amazing here yet. Later that same day it came over the news that the U.S.S. Cole had been bombed. A day later I got a call from my guy at the jail. His brother was on the ship, and was one of those who died. I was talking to a different person. He was pissed, and rightly so.

Later I found out that President Clinton had made arrangements to have him and his family flown to the funeral. The fact he was a convict didn't matter, he was on the way. This was one aspect of Clinton I will always remember. This guys past was of no consequence, and was treated like all other citizens. Bully for that Mr. Clinton.

However, back to my point. Do you think any terrorist would be safe in the same prison with this guy I just told you about? I know for a fact that if he could hurt them back in any way, he would.

I do not feel bad when certain people die in prisons. If you helped with 9-11, or you are a child rapist, I think it was something that the majority of the public wanted anyways. When our criminals also deem that the world would be better without you, you have truly truly become the scum of the earth.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The debate is over? I do not think so!

Some people are saying that global warming is our fault due to cars and other human influences. I grabbed a couple of films dealing with this issue for you to watch, with the assumption that you have seen "An Inconvenient Truth" by now. I am going to start with a companion movie to "An Inconvenient Truth" and follow it with two rebuttle films.

For warming

Now I have this labeled as Anti-warming, however, they do not deny warming is happening, they just explain it better here. How about discribing them as Not Humans Fault!


I share this in hopes you will not believe that everything is "Our Fault" and realize nature is going to do what it does, and we cannot stop it. My only complaint here is that Al Gore used bad information and lied to us. But do not worry, if he is proven wrong he will say he was the one to prove himself wrong. Someday we can hope he pulls that Flip Flop out of his ass.