Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Deport Them Now!!!

I read about an awesome website today. It is Deport Them Now!

I ask all of you to go and sign up and take action. If we do not make our government actually enforce the laws which they passed, then what good are they?

How is it we have these people how are supposed to SERVE the American public, and they pass laws to protect the American way, but then turn around and will not fund the departments which are made to carry out these laws?

Examples of STUPIDITY:
  1. Laws are passed which are to restrict "Psychologically Disturbed" persons from being able to buy guns, but the federal government doesn't fund the department which is to enforce this, and states make laws or just do not submit this information so that it is on the NICS.
  2. Laws are passed to deport illegal aliens which commit criminal acts, but cut the funding to the department which does the actual deportation.

So, here are only two examples of our own government basically giving the entire citizen population of the United States lip service, and then shafting us.

The only way we can get government to listen to us, We The People who elected them, is to write letters, fax them, email them, and to call them. Do not stop there. Call radio shows, write newspapers, and get your friends to do the same. Do it on a local level, do it on a state level, and do it on a national level.

Become active in all levels of politics. Ask your city to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask you county to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask you state to pass laws against Criminal Immigrants. Ask your Nation to ENFORCE the laws we already have, and to fund the people who carry out these laws.

I notice that we are ignored once they get into office, that is until you start contacting them on a regular basis. Make noise, a lot of noise! And if they continue to ignore you, vote them out of office.

We need to get our country back under the control of the people for the people.

Start today by going to Deport Them Now!

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