Friday, August 3, 2007

Why reward criminals?

Apparently, Higher education commissioner David Skaggs wants us to give In State Tuition to Illegal Immigrants. I guess whats next is we will reward Criminal Illegal Immigrants scholarships? What I do not understand is why our states and country go so far to reward those who have already broken our laws in the act of just coming here.

Colorado Commission on Higher Education (C)
David E. Skaggs, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Higher Education
1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1200 Denver, Colorado 80204-2059
Telephone: 303-866-2723
Fax: 303-866-4266

As you can see I have added his contact information just in case you want to contact him. I suggest that we pass this on one and make sure as many people as possible contact him and express their feelings about his idea of rewarding Illegal Immigrants.

I am sure his next announcement will be he says we will be releasing all of the state prison population to attend day classes on our campuses since he has decided that we reward criminal activities instead of punish. Quite honestly, this is equal to what he is doing in my mind.

While searching documents about David Skaggs, it is interesting to note he was just involved in a conference which had a subject of raising funds for our colleges. I guess they wanted to disguise their fund raising as being Nice to Illegal Immigrants.

Here is the article that got me going today.

Skaggs: Immigrants Children Should Pay In-State

Colorado Higher Education Commissioner Says Illegal Immigrants'
Children Should Pay In-State Tuition At Universities

(AP) DENVER Higher education commissioner David Skaggs thinks children
of illegal immigrants should be eligible for in-state college tuition and he's
asked the state attorney general to clarify what the current law says.

Public colleges and universities are interpreting the law

Based on an attorney general's opinion from five years ago, Metropolitan
State College of Denver charges nonresident tuition to children of illegal
immigrants. However, such students pay in-state tuition at the University of
Colorado based on the advice of its lawyers, spokesman Bronson Hilliard

If Attorney General John Suthers finds that the law bars in-state tuition
for these students, Skaggs said, he will ask the Legislature change it.

"The disconnect is, we treat these kids as Colorado kids for purposes of
K-12 education, and then suddenly they fall of the edge of the Earth," said
Skaggs, a former Democratic congressman appointed by Gov. Bill Ritter this

Former state Rep. Val Vigil, D-Thornton, unsuccessfully tried to pass such
a law three times in the Legislature, prompting heated debates. No efforts have
moved ahead since 2006, when the Legislature focused on cracking down on illegal

Now here is the Conference in which they must have discussed using Illegal Immigrants money to solve their funding problems. So they are moving towards solving their problems by using rewards to criminals.

Creating A Vision For The Future

I see what David Skaggs is doing is as bad as business hiring Illegal Immigrants to cut costs, but here he is trying to fix his problems by taking their money.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Guide books to staying ILLEGAL

I found these links while surfing.

Materials on ICE Enforcement, Detention and Deportation

Protect yourself from Immigration Raids!

How to Be Prepared for an Immigration Raid

These are just a couple of the documents I have found.

I am sure as I continue my dive into this information, I will find maps and directions on how to avoid Border Patrol into our country.

A Police State? Whatever...

I was reading an article in which the state of Colorado was referred to as a "Police State". I live here, and I know that is the most bogus statement to ever be made of this state.

The article is Troopers Arrests 48 Suspected Illegal Immigrants from the AP and listed on CBS 4 Denver. Here is a quote.

Members of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition planned a vigil
Wednesday for those affected by the arrests. They denounced what some members
called "police-state" tactics.

"It is a sad day to see the state of Colorado using the very limited
resources it has to enforce federal immigration laws," says Eddie Soto of
CompaIneros in Durango in a written statement. "Our lawmakers in Washington do
not have the guts to tackle this issue and use our precious tax dollars which
should be spent on education and health care."

Watkins said troopers could only stop cars for traffic violations.

In my neck of the woods, we can tell who the Illegal Immigrants are when they drive. They are the ones doing less than the speed limit. Now you should ask a question here. If they are Illegal, and they do not have a drivers license, how do they get Car Insurance? They don't because they cannot.

Also said was "Our lawmakers in Washington do not have the guts to tackle this issue and use our precious tax dollars which should be spent on education and health care." by Eddie Soto. Hmmm, I think you have that one all messed up sir. To much of our (our meaning American Tax Payers) money is being spent to take care of those who do not pay taxes. It has been released by the GAO that we actually endure a net loss on each Illegal that is in our country because of their status of working and not paying into the tax base. It costs us (Legal Citizen Taxpayers) more to have Illegal Immigrants in our towns and country than is ever collected from them.

Now back to car insurance. If you are hit by an Illegal Immigrant, who pays the bills? You and your insurance company. Who will suffer? You will with higher rates and do you really thing the Illegal is going to step up and pay your deductible? You have a better chance of them doing a hit and run to avoid the police who will be coming soon.

Eddie Soto also says we live in a "Police State". However it is clearly stated by Watkins that "troopers could only stop cars for traffic violations." which is far from racial profiling and just pulling over brown, black, yellow, white, and red skinned individuals randomly because they do not like the way they look. This always reminds me of how race is brought into this, but the last couple I saw deported that I knew personally were two whites from Poland. I wish people would realize that the only issue here is the ILLEGAL part.

What happens here is compounding events. Because of Illegal entry to our country, those people are unable to get car insurance, social security cards, resident alien cards, passports, and many more things. Due to that, when they work, they are committing more crimes. When they collect benefits, they are committing more crimes. The only event they can do without committing another crime is LEAVING.

We do need to solve this problem. Anything less than an actual aggressive deportation policy is going to create massive hate amongst the citizens of this country. If that happens, what could possibly come next is the "Police State" in our country where people would live in fear.

Illegal Immigration dealt with right!

Sheriff Warren has it right, and doing this the way I wish it would be done by all. It is working within the current laws, and targeting Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

Here is what I am talking about.

One Sheriff Shows America How To Deal With Illegal Immigration
By Matt

Thursday, August 2, 2007

While politicians have hacked and
sloughed their way through the issue of illegal immigration, one sheriff in
Atlanta has taken matters into his own hands by doing what the law already
allows law enforcement to do -- begin deportation proceedings against illegal
aliens who are charged with crimes.

Cobb County is a large, upscale and
well-run county just north of the city limits of Atlanta. Once known for a more
radical conservative tone, the county is now thought of as a
moderate-to-conservative area more interested in promoting economic growth and
the arts than promoting political agendas. I say that because the actions of the
county's sheriff, Neil Warren, and his chief deputy, Lynda Coker, reflect not
some Maricopa County brand of "hang 'em high" justice, but rather a businesslike
approach to dealing with the issue of illegal immigrants.

In essence
Warren's team is doing the one thing that every law enforcement agency in
America could and should be doing, taking advantage of the existing laws and
programs that could have an immediate impact on illegal immigration throughout

Cobb County sheriff's deputies have been trained by federal
immigration officials as to what to look for and how to examine documents in
order to determine whether someone arrested and placed in their custody is a
legal resident. There may well be other law enforcement organizations in the
nation that have availed themselves of such training and are also determining
the status of those in their system. The difference is that Sheriff Warren is
taking the opportunity that federal law also provides. He and his department
have started to initiate, on their own, deportation proceedings once a
determination is made that an individual in their custody is in the United
States illegally.

In the four weeks since the Georgia county began its
new program, removal proceedings have commenced against 42 individuals who
either committed crimes or were pending trial for a lesser offense. Those who
commit serious felonies are held for trial first, with the issue of deportation
to be dealt with after their case is concluded.

It's important to note
that the county works with federal officials, and that federal immigration
officials must review the case before it goes before a judge. In other words,
this is not fly by night justice. It is, truly, businesslike.

Some in
the Hispanic community have argued that this strict enforcement has created a
"chilling effect" in their community, saying that it causes those who might be
here illegally to avoid reporting crimes or testifying at trials. That's
nonsense. The program that the Cobb sheriff's office has developed doesn't run
status checks on witnesses or victims.

Every poll I've examined shows
that, while some Americans might support some system of allowing illegal
immigrants to earn their way into the country, a huge majority of Americans are
adamant that current laws, at the very least, be enforced. Warren's critics will
find themselves with few Americans, Democrat or Republican, who oppose his

Sheriff Warren is not alone in dealing with the illegal
immigration crisis. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, jailers
throughout the nation have identified some 20,000 illegal immigrants using
cooperative agreements with federal enforcement officials. How many actually
initiated deportation procedures is unknown. Regardless, that number is just a
drop in the bucket.

The fact is that most sheriffs and police
departments in America have not gone to the trouble of obtaining federal
training, much less have they taken the additional step of initiating
deportation proceedings against those who are illegally in the country -- which
in and of itself is breaking the law -- and then violate the law while illegally

One reason we don't see a nationwide run on such tight enforcement
is, big shock, Washington hasn't provided enough funding to educate every local
law enforcement agency, nor has money been appropriated to handle the deluge of
deportations that would occur should every sheriff or police chief decide to
follow the lead of Warren and others who have implemented such aggressive

Perhaps if Congress wanted to get back into the good graces of
the American people with respect to this entire immigration issue, it could
start by embracing the efforts of those like Sheriff Warren and join with the
Bush administration in at least funding this effort to send "illegal illegals"
back home. I know if I were running for re-election to the Senate or for
president, I'd want my picture taken with Sheriff Neil Warren of Georgia. At
least he's doing something about an issue that Americans want addressed.

It sure seems to point the finger in the direction of Washington D.C. about not funding our Immigration enforcement. If anyone watches our Federal Government long enough, you will see that they will pass laws and create departments to deal with a problem, but if anyone disagrees with what it does, even if wanted by a mass majority of Americans, they cut the budget.

Many Americans do not know that there are federal departments which are so under funded that they only exist in essence and little more. It isn't that these people work for our government do not do good work, or that they are not needed, it is because they have no money.

If you, as I, want to see this improved on, we need to let our elected officals know we want action, and if nothing happens, kick them out.