Friday, August 24, 2007

Laws I want to see in Colorado

  1. Vehicle of Drivers without a license seized.
  2. No bail for Illegal Immigrants
  3. No public services for Illegal Immigrants
  4. English made the official language
  5. All Colorado Law Enforcement Agencies required to be 287G compliant
  6. Mandatory jail/prison terms for Illegal Immigrants using fraudulent documents
  7. No punitive/compensatory damage awards to Illegal Immigrants
  8. Business license revoked to any employer using Illegal Immigrants

I think that would be a great start. If it was known to Illegal Immigrants that we as a state did not want them here, we would see the wages of those of us who live here rise. Not to mention the reduction in taxes we would see from removing the leaches from our system.

Ravings of a Mad Tech: Enough Already, The Criminal Immigrants Need To Go

Ravings of a Mad Tech: Enough Already, The Criminal Immigrants Need To Go

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rudy being tough on Illegal Immigrants?

CNN called Racist

Now how is it one of the more Liberal news networks is now racist? If you tell the truth against the damage done by Ilegal Immigrants, or anything dealing with the drugs the smuggle I guess you are a racist.

What is the legal age of consent in Mexico? 13, 12, 9?

So we are now in trouble with Mexico

I guess they really didn't want her back, because apparently the Mexican Senate is going to complain to us. Wow, how bad is this woman? Does she smell really bad or what? They are going to complain to us for sending a citizen of their country home?

Here is the video.

To improve their lives through destroying yours

So if Illegal Immigrants are here to improve their lives, why do they continue to do it by destroying ours? Here is more about Mara Salvatrucha.

Regardless of color, La Raza says you are racist!

2 Illegal Immigrants rape & murder 15 year old girl

Political Theatre

Illegals Protesting Our Enforcement

7 Illegal Immigration Stories

Why is the fence so slow?

What would happen if we did this to others?

So, a woman here in Colorado just got 32 years in prison for Identity Theft.

Perhaps we should do the same to those Illegal Immigrants using fake Social Security numbers of other fake ID.

Woman Sentenced To 32 Years For ID Theft

Here is the Video link.

ID Theft

A good read by Ann

I loved reading this. Even with her putting humor in this, it really drive the point home.

1 Down, 11,999,999 to Go
By Ann Coulter

Will I get an answer?

I really want to see some laws added to our states books. So, I decided to e-mail some Colorado Republicans to see if I would get a response, and maybe some support. Here is the email I sent.

Dear Sirs,

I am a new Colorado resident here now for only a little over a year.
However, I would like to see if you could direct me to some who could help in
adding some things to the 2008 ballot.

In Arizona, they passed some laws. I want to see if we can get them on the
books here too.

Here are the ones that passed:
Prop 100. Denies bail to illegal immigrants. APPROVED 78-22
Prop 102. No punitive damages to illegal immigrants. APPROVED 74-26
Prop 103. Makes English the official language of the state. APPROVED
Prop 300. Prohibits state subsidies to illegal aliens. APPROVED 72-28

Would you be interested in helping me get these on the 2008 ballot?

In addition to these, I would like to see a law requiring all law
enforcement agencies in Colorado to be 287G compliant with ICE.

Please contact me with any help you can render. I am a republican, but I am
a poor working stiff and cannot afford to undertake such an event on my own.

Please help, we owe it to our kids and grand kids.

Now I want to see if I even get a response. I truly hope I do, and I also
hope that they help me get these things on our ballot. Now we will wait.

Why do they need to be ordered?

After reading this article, I have to ask myself why do these officers have to be ordered to report criminals? Especially repeat offenders. Oh, I know why. It is because they were Illegal Immigrants, and we treat them special because we do not hold them accountable to our laws.

Lets not report someone who is an Illegal Immigrant child rapist because we may hurt their feelings. Lets just wait until they really do something wrong...

Police ordered to report illegal immigrant arrests to feds


Mandate follows slayings of three Newark college students

One suspect is a 28-year-old illegal immigrant from Peru

Jose Carranza previously accused of assault, sexual assault of a child

Before AG's order, local police had discretion on info they passed to feds

TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) -- New Jersey law enforcement was ordered
Wednesday to notify federal immigration officials whenever someone arrested for
an indictable offense or drunken driving is determined to be an illegal

Jose Carranza, an illegal immigrant from Peru, is accused in
the slayings of three Newark college students.

That mandate, issued by
the state attorney general on Wednesday, follows a review prompted by the brutal
slayings of three Newark college students.

One of the six suspects in
the crime was an illegal immigrant who had been granted bail on child rape and
aggravated assault charges without immigration officials being alerted to his

Attorney General Anne Milgram reviewed the state's policy in
light of the execution-style killings August 4.

A fourth young person
was wounded.

U.S. immigration officials have said they would have moved toward
getting Jose Carranza, 28, deported had they known about him.

killings highlighted the need "to have a uniform state policy on notification to
immigration," Milgram said.

Before the directive, "all police departments in our state had complete
discretion as to if, when and how to notify immigration authorities."

The policy applies to all state and local law enforcement and to
prosecutors. It also specifies that police notify prosecutors and courts when
illegal immigrants are arrested.

The triple homicide rocked Newark, a city already reeling from a 50 percent
rise in the murder rate since 1998, and prompted an outcry over the lack of
communication between local authorities and immigration officials.

The fact that Carranza, an illegal immigrant from Peru, was out on bail
despite being accused of committing serious felonies also enraged some. State
Sen. Shirley Turner on Wednesday urged bail restrictions for accused illegal

The Democratic legislator proposes that illegal immigrants be required
to post a full cash bail if they are charged with committing a crime in New

A bail bondsman put up $150,000 for Carranza -- the lowest amount
recommended for someone accused of sexually assaulting a child -- and he walked
out of the Essex County jail in May.

Seven months earlier, he had paid $2,000 to get out of the same jail
after being charged with assault and weapons possession after a bar fight. He
was allowed to put up 10 percent after a judge set bail at $20,000.

Authorities have said they did not know he was undocumented when those
bails were set. Those bails have now been revoked, a largely symbolic move
because Carranza, a day laborer, is now charged with three counts of murder and
is being held on $1 million bail.

"I often see people back on our streets that I believe should not be
back on our streets after they've committed serious crimes," Newark Mayor Cory
Booker said. "I would be remiss if I wasn't calling for larger changes and
larger reforms in the state of New Jersey and the United States."

Some have questioned whether a policy such as Milgram's could have
prevented the schoolyard slayings, and suggested that a tougher approach could
discourage illegal immigrants from reporting crimes.

The directive, however, prohibits officers from checking the immigration
status of crime victims or witnesses.

Milgram treaded lightly on a federal law allowing local police to be
deputized as immigration agents. She said that the practice will be allowed in
New Jersey, but that deputized agents can perform immigration status

Why do I get the feeling that there were officers there who were angry that someones idea of a good public policy was to do nothing to Illegal Immigrants and they should be treated as American Citizens?

Whomever it was that came up with the idea that we treat those who enter our country by in that act alone is thumbing their nose at our laws as good as citizens was a fool. Perhaps these people wouldn't tell their children not to enter a Gorilla's cage at the zoo so as not to hurt their feelings of self esteem.

Sometimes someone has to be the dick. Someone has to enforce the laws. When did we turn a corner that we all felt it was better never to offend anyone about anything regardless of the damage they cause to themselves or others?

I know my kids think I am mean when I tell them to go to bed, or take a shower, but if I didn't, they never would.

My main issue here is that the non-enforcement of laws created to protect our citizens does not make any sense at all. Can someone explain that to me? Why if these laws are no good we have others that are? What are we teaching our children when a special class of people in our country that are not even citizens are allowed to not follow our laws, but we are held accountable? Where is the justice in that? Heck, what part of that is even fair?

The biggest sadness in this whole issue is that people are having to die all across our nation to even get attention.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why is he a citizen?

OK, if you watch the news, you have heard about Elvira Arellano, 32. Now, let us go over the facts.

Yes, she has a child of the age of 8. Now, why this should be more of a focus is because she was ordered to leave our country in 1997. So, ten years ago, she was not with child then.

She broke our laws, gets punished by deportation, and comes back to have a baby, hides out in a church, and gets deported again. Sounds like she planned this one. This isn't about the kid. It would have been if the kid was 11. But, this kid was born after she was removed and re-entered. How is it our fault than?

Perhaps we need to pass a law which says a child of a deported parent cannot become a legal citizen. I guess if you get caught once, the next time shouldn't count? So, lets rob our first bank soon, because when they come to punish you, we can hide in churches complaining that they are wrong to punish us.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Fred File on Illegal Immigration

The Importance of Border Security
by Fred Thompson

You can’t have national security without border security. It’s not only necessary for any meaningful immigration reform; border security plays a key role in both the interdiction of illegal drugs and in defending America against terrorist threats. Weak borders allow terrorists and smugglers, as well as millions of illegal aliens, easy entrance to the United States. Unfortunately, it’s not at all clear our government is committed to its first responsibility: the protection of our borders.

In June 2006 the federal government began Operation Jump Start, deploying 6,000 National Guard troops to assist the Border Patrol in securing our border with Mexico. Now, the number of National Guard troops helping as part of Operation Jump Start is being cut in half and by September 1st only 3,000 troops will still be in place.

Since Operation Jump Start began, fewer illegal immigrants are crossing our southern border. Marijuana, cocaine, and heroin seizures have increased—a reminder that better border security is an essential part of drug interdiction. Tightening control of our southern border may also be a factor in the lack of additional terrorist attacks in the United States since September 11, 2001. Clearly the National Guard’s presence on our border with Mexico has been a success.

While the drawdown of the National Guard troops participating in Operation Jump Start was scheduled since the beginning of the operation, the troops were supposed to be replaced by 6,000 new U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents. These replacements, called for by President Bush, would increase the total number of agents from 12,000 to 18,000. However, recruitment has been slow and continuing with the planned withdrawal of the National Guard is significantly reducing manpower on the border.

We’ve found a successful strategy for increasing border security. We need to advance it, not retreat from it. The President got the message and last week announced a new set of initiatives to combat illegal immigration. Having failed for years to solve our illegal immigration problem and protect our borders, however, Congress and the President need to keep the National Guard in place until we meet the goal of 18,000 border agents.