Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Why I do not like Rudy G. and Way to go Michelle Malkin
I have posted against Rudy before, and will continue to do so. Rudy reminds me of John Kerry. People must be blinded by something I do not see in him, because his record on conservative issues sucks. He is Anti-2nd Amendment, and he is Pro-Illegal Immigration. His sound bites might fool some, but not me.
Here is Michelle's entire article taken from Townhall.com.
Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation: It's Your
By Michelle Malkin
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Will the execution-style murder of three young students in Newark, N.J.,
finally turn the tide in the immigration enforcement debate? Will we at last
abandon the deadly, chaotic, lawless sanctuary nation experiment and restore
America's lost status as a sovereign nation under the rule of law?
The death of six innocent men and women and the injury of more than
1,000 at the hands of several illegal alien 1993 World Trade Center bombers
wasn't enough to convince politicians in New York and across this country to end
illegal alien sanctuary policies.
The death of nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children at the hands of
the 9/11 jihadists who exploited our lax entrance and visa enforcement policies
in 2001 wasn't enough.
The death of 10 innocent men and women in the Washington, D.C., area at
the hands of an illegal alien sniper and his bloodthirsty mentor in 2002 wasn't
But now we are in the heat of a presidential election cycle. The
open-borders opportunists in immigration enforcement clothing are professing to
see the light. With illegal alien murder suspect Jose Carranza and his alleged
MS-13 gang-banging boy helpers who are being sought in the brutal Newark murder
case dominating the news on the Eastern seaboard, politicians can't find a
camera fast enough to condemn the very sanctuary policies they promoted and
tolerated for decades -- sanctuary policies I've highlighted for years in this
Amnesty-first GOP presidential candidate John McCain is now singing the
enforcement-first tune. And GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani vowed Tuesday
to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S.
He's touting a "tamper-proof ID card" that includes fingerprints for
everyone entering the country and a central database to track when they leave.
What Rudy-come-lately fails to comprehend is that there are already
multiple alien tracking databases mandated by federal law that have yet to be
fully implemented, integrated and used.
The reason they don't work is because open-borders interests have sabotaged
them by restricting funding for them, objecting to them on civil liberties
grounds, and pushing local and state governments to forbid public employees from
checking them to verify citizenship status.
Ring a bell, Rudy?
Giuliani's newfound border security zeal is intended to blunt criticism by
GOP rival Mitt Romney of Giuliani's pro-sanctuary record as NYC mayor. Giuliani
has issued Clintonian denials that he supported sanctuary. But the record is
clear. New York City's sanctuary policy was created in 1989 by Democrat Mayor Ed
Koch and upheld by every mayor succeeding him. When Congress enacted immigration
reform laws that forbade local governments from barring employees from
cooperating with the INS, Giuliani filed suit against the feds in 1997. He was
rebuffed by two lower courts, which ruled that the sanctuary order amounted to
special treatment for illegal aliens and was nothing more than an unlawful
effort to flaunt federal enforcement efforts against illegal aliens. In January
2000, the Supreme Court rejected his appeal, but Giuliani vowed to ignore the
To this day, the city's policy of safe harbors for illegal immigrants
stands. Giuliani successor Michael Bloomberg defiantly reiterated the official
sanctuary posture of NYC this week: "Let 'em come." Could he be more callous,
cavalier and out of touch in a post-9/11 world?
From New York to Newark to Seattle to Portland to San Francisco to Los
Angeles to San Diego to Houston to Miami, lawmakers have taken this
go-with-the-flow attitude toward illegal alien border-crossers and visa
overstayers and deportation fugitives. "Let 'em come."
But in the wake of the Newark murders and the illumination of illegal
alien gang crime penetrating the country, a new rallying cry came from the lips
of Newark Mayor Cory Booker: "Get this evil out of my city." That won't happen
without a demonstrated commitment to cooperate with the feds to enforce
immigration laws and deport violent and dangerous criminal aliens first.
A few weeks ago, I launched deportthemnow.com. Nearly 8,000 volunteers
have signed up to make their voices heard. Our top priorities will be to push
for the adoption of a program known as 287(g) to identify criminal illegal
aliens in as many cities as possible; to repeal "don't ask-don't tell" sanctuary
laws; and to support lawmakers like Newark City Councilman Ron C. Rice, who is
pushing a resolution to coordinate efforts between law enforcement when an
illegal immigrant is charged with a felony, and New Jersey Assemblyman Richard
Merkt, R-Morris, who proposed prohibiting jail officials from releasing illegal
immigrants and requiring them to be remanded to federal authorities.
It's time for ordinary Americans to come out of the shadows and remind
Washington every day in words and actions that we are a sovereign nation, not a
sanctuary nation.
No more promises. No need to wait for Election '08. Just do it.
Now that rocks!
Anyone debating against Illegal Immigration
Always push the debate away from anything dealing with race, religion, country of origin, color, political alignment, or sexual preference.
Always bring it back to the LAW and only the LAW.
If you do this on all posts and letters, if anyone calls you a racist or a bigot, you can in turn say "Show me where I was racist!"
We will lose if we allow others to make us fall to idiotic hate speech, which actually has no place in this debate and issue.
Write everywhere you can. We can swing so many our way as long as only the truth of this matter is known, and the truth is we want those who broke our laws to leave our country.
If you do enough research, you can point to Illegals who have commited crimes which match your own demographic. When you use those, and point out that you are the same demographic, they are disarmed.
Again, write about this in this light everywhere! Without the things which give them ammo, they cannot fight back. Now go blog, write papers and magazines, call radio shows and any other venue you can find.
We owe it to our kids.
Monday, August 13, 2007
So really, what is this all about? Here is your answer!
Please watch this. Allowing Illegal Immigration in addition to current Immigration is not good. Just watch, really, it is all I can ask.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Also from Lou Dobbs
5) Taxpayers will pay for the immigration lawyers for illegal aliens if working in agriculture.
4) Illegal aliens would be given legal status just one day after their application is filed even if a background check is not completed.
3) Gang members are eligible for amnesty if they renounce their gang status.
2) Borders do not have to be secure before the amnesty program begins.
1) $2,600,000,000,000 -- That is the cost the Heritage Foundation estimates to cover the retirement benefits of 12,000,000 illegal aliens if this amnesty bill becomes law.
From Lou Dobbs Tonight.
I am not alone.
Total Votes: 11966
From Lou Dobbs Tonight.
A beautiful quote.
"Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world," the former Tennessee senator said. "We're sitting here now with essentially open borders."
How much more Illegal???
Dad pleads not guilty to drunken driving, hit-and-run charges
By Dana Littlefield
July 19, 2007
DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO – A father accused of driving drunk and fleeing the
freeway crash that killed his 9-year-old son pleaded not guilty yesterday to
gross vehicular manslaughter and other charges.
Marcos Munoz Sanchez, 33,
faces several felony and misdemeanor charges, including child endangerment,
driving under the influence and hit-and-run. If convicted, he could be sent to
prison for up to 15 years.
San Diego Superior Court Judge David M. Szumowski
set bail for Munoz at $500,000.
Deputy District Attorney Melissa Vasel said
Munoz was driving on Interstate 8 near Texas Street on Saturday when he crashed
into a car parked on the shoulder around 1:40 a.m. His son, Alex Munoz , was in
the passenger seat and died as a result of the impact.
Vasel told the judge
that a witness came out of a nearby restaurant shortly after the crash and saw a
man running from the area. Later, police saw a white pickup circling the
restaurant parking lot.
Vasel said police saw the same truck again later
that day near the family's Linda Vista apartment and contacted the men inside.
Marcos Munoz , the passenger, had minor injuries and glass in his hair and
clothes, authorities said. Another man, Raul Munoz Sanchez, was driving the
pickup. The men are believed to be related, Vasel said.
Raul Munoz , 33,
pleaded not guilty yesterday to a charge of being an accessory after the fact
and several misdemeanors, including drunken driving. He could be sent to prison
for up to three years if convicted. He is being held in county jail in lieu of
$50,000 bail.
Vasel told the judge that Raul Munoz 's blood-alcohol content
was measured at 0.19 percent after his arrest. Marcos Munoz 's blood-alcohol
content measured 0.11 percent a little more than three hours after the
collision. The legal threshold for drunken driving is 0.08 percent.
Public Defender Paul Rodriguez said Marcos Munoz has no significant criminal
record, except for a misdemeanor conviction from 2005. Both men work in
Police have said that both men were in the country illegally
and were not licensed drivers.
I heard this all before...
This comes from Seatle P.I.
Employers brace for crackdown on immigrants
Restaurants and hotels worry they will lose workers
Restaurants, hotels and other low-wage Washington businesses could be
hit hard by tough new immigration rules released Friday, union officials here
said, echoing concerns from labor groups and employers across the country.
Among the most worrisome are new requirements on employers over whether
a worker's name and Social Security number match federal records.
The new rules, which take effect in 30 days, say that, under some
circumstances, employers will be required to fire employees with non-matching
Social Security numbers or face legal sanctions.
Several employers declined this week to talk about the changes, perhaps
fearing they would invite unwanted attention if they acknowledged hiring
undocumented workers.
But unions providing those employers with workers --
many of them undocumented -- said the companies are alarmed.
"The companies I deal with in the janitorial industry are very
concerned about this, because some of them get no-match letters. But you can't
just by that expect to know whether a person is documented," said Sergio
Salinas, president of Service Employees International Union Local 6.
are trying to comply, but they say it could happen they have undocumented
workers, and they're worried they won't be able to continue their business
SEIU Local 6 represents 3,700 cleaners and security guards at
commercial buildings in King County and in Tacoma. Among them are a significant
number of undocumented workers, Salinas said.
"Normally the cleaning industry is an entry-level job for immigrants,"
he said. "We don't know and we don't want to know if they're here illegally.
That's for the employer to find out."
Under the rules issued by the Bush
administration, employers who receive a so-called no-match letter must be able
to show within 90 days why an employee's Social Security number does not match
the government database. The reason could be a clerical error or a name change
because of marriage. However, if legal status can't be confirmed, the employee
must be fired.
Employers who don't comply could be fined up to $10,000 per worker or
face criminal penalties.
"There has been ambiguity about how employers should
respond" when a worker's name and number don't match the database, said
Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Veronica Valdes in an interview
Thursday. "We're going to eliminate that. We're not going to accept
Some employers are worried because names and Social Security numbers
often don't match the Social Security Administration database owing to typos,
clerical errors, misunderstandings or cultural differences in naming
Under the new rules, employers effectively become surrogates for the
government, charged with determining the validity of documents workers give them
and facing penalties if they're wrong, the unions said. The unions also fear
that employers will fire workers indiscriminately rather than risking federal
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Commerce Secretary
Carlos Gutierrez said they were forced to beef up enforcement after Congress
failed to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill.
"We're going as far as we possibly can without Congress acting," White
House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
Recognizing the crackdown could hurt some industries, particularly
agriculture, Gutierrez said the Labor Department will try to make existing
temporary worker programs easier to use and more efficient.
The American Farm Bureau Federation, an industry group representing 75
percent of U.S. farmers, estimates at least half the nation's 1 million farm
workers lack valid Social Security numbers. Losing them would devastate the
industry, particularly fruit and vegetable growers, which rely heavily on manual
labor, farmers said.
Other new rules beef up security at the U.S. borders, strengthen
efforts to keep out gang members, toughen requirements that temporary workers
leave the country when their visas expire and standardize the naturalization
But attracting the most attention are the changes in how employers must
respond to no-match letters.
United Here Local 8 in Seattle, a union of 5,000 Washington hotel and
restaurant employees, attacked the rules. Research analyst Stefan Moritz called
them "increased enforcement measures without any solution in terms of a path to
He predicted that the rules "will definitely be a factor in the
hospitality industry."
Employers of construction workers worry they're being
pushed into serving as the government's proxy for determining a worker's
citizenship, said Eric Franklin, a spokesman for the Pacific Northwest Regional
Council of Carpenters, which represents about 8,500 carpenters in Western
"The documents workers give you often appear to be authentic," Franklin
said. "If they later turn out not to be, how were employers supposed to know
that? The devil is in the details, and there will be lawsuits for years to come
if these rules go into effect."
The building trades are filled with undocumented workers, many of whom
have moved from agriculture because the money is better, Franklin said.
Restaurants in Washington employ about 178,000 workers, some
undocumented, "working and paying taxes -- but we're not giving them a pathway
to citizenship," said Anthony Anton, chief executive of the Washington
Restaurant Association.
Conservative groups lauded the move, saying it would be welcomed by
those tired of watching illegal immigrants and their employers go
"We wish they had done this earlier, but even at this late stage, they
have an opportunity to regain the confidence and support of the American
public," said Dan Stein, president of Federation for American Immigration
Immigrant-rights organizations blasted the new rules as
"They would simply drive folks who are fired further underground, or
the employers will pay them off the books," said Shankar Narayan, policy
director for Seattle's Hate Free Zone, a rights organization serving the Pacific
"We know the fired employees won't simply leave the country. They'll
stick around to find even more marginal jobs."
About 2.5 million unauthorized workers arrived in the U.S. between 2000
and 2005, according to an April 2006 report from the Pew Hispanic Center.
"There's an economic reality that employers can't meet their labor
needs given the unreasonable visa caps, so it's hardly surprising some employers
are hiring undocumented folks," Narayan said.
"It's a system not satisfactory for either workers or
The 26 rules announced by the Department of Homeland Security and U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement affect border security, guest-worker
programs, the workplace and assimilation into U.S. culture. Among other things,
Reduce the number of documents usable to prove citizenship.
Raise fines 25 percent on employers who knowingly hire illegal
immigrants and expand investigations into such employers.
Mandate a revised naturalization test.
So, there is one story, and now let us pick apart the Fear Mongers statements.
Restaurants, hotels and other low-wage Washington businesses could be hit hard
by tough new immigration rules released Friday, union officials here said,
echoing concerns from labor groups and employers across the country.
Hit hard? All I have to say to that is they should be hit hard if they have not been obeying federal laws concerning Illegal Immigrants. Half the reason these are "low-wage" jobs is because they want to pay low wages to boost the profits. In addition to that, Illegals are willing to work for almost anything, which allows the business' to pay less, hurting the Legal worker and citizens.
Several employers declined this week to talk about the changes, perhaps
fearing they would invite unwanted attention if they acknowledged hiring
undocumented workers.
If they have been hiring Illegal Immigrants, they should be in FEAR of needed attention. If you have been breaking the law, you should fear the law. It is really simple, to avoid fines and punishment, do not break the law.
But unions providing those employers with workers -- many of them undocumented
-- said the companies are alarmed.
Alarmed? I am alarmed that our society can see this issue of crime as acceptable. The only way we can stop the Illegal Immigrants from coming here is to dry up the work. I have no quarter for anyone hiring Illegals. If you knowingly hire Illegals, you should go to prison.
"The companies I deal with in the janitorial industry are very
concerned about this, because some of them get no-match letters. But
you can't just by that expect to know whether a person is documented," said
Sergio Salinas, president of Service Employees International Union Local 6.
Very concerned about what? If you receive a "No-match letter" all you have to do is get the person to prove themselves to you. If you have a valid drivers license, or a passport, your all good. If you cannot produce one of these or get one in 90 days, could it be you are Illegal? The only people I have met who cannot get these who are citizens are trying to hide from warrants and child support. So as I said before, this is not a bad thing.
"They are trying to comply, but they say it could happen they have
undocumented workers, and they're worried they won't be able to
continue their business normally."
If I was a business owner, and I found out I had an Illegal working for me, I wouldn't be worried, I would fire them as soon as ICE arrived to deport them. It isn't that hard to figure out the solution here. If people cannot identify themselves, do not hire them.
"Normally the cleaning industry is an entry-level job for immigrants," he said.
"We don't know and we don't want to know if they're here
illegally. That's for the employer to find out."
I guess he made his point here. The Unions do not care, they just want their due money! This is the problem, people are getting rich off of these Illegals, and if they get booted, they will lose that additional income. If they knew, they would be required to do something. It is easier to collect the money and say nothing. But wait, see how he shifts the problem back onto the "business owners"?
Some employers are worried because names and Social Security numbers often
don't match the Social Security Administration database owing to typos, clerical
errors, misunderstandings or cultural differences in naming practices.
Alright, I will give into the fact the government does sometimes screw up, but that's what this program was created for originally. It wasn't created to hunt Illegals, but to fix problems. Our government didn't want the money you earned going to the wrong person. Now, in addition to that, our government realized that you could easily track Illegals the same way they do people owing child support. This isn't new nor novel in any terms.
Under the new rules, employers effectively become surrogates for the
government, charged with determining the validity of documents workers give them
and facing penalties if they're wrong, the unions said. The unions also fear
that employers will fire workers indiscriminately rather than risking federal
More BS. The unions should know better than to bring this one up because the unions are responsible for helping create laws against unlawful terminations. Look up "Wrongful Termination" and you will find laws against this, so this is more FEAR MONGERING. If you win one of these lawsuits, you can be sitting really pretty.
The American Farm Bureau Federation, an industry group representing 75
percent of U.S. farmers, estimates at least half the nation's 1 million farm
workers lack valid Social Security numbers. Losing them would
devastate the industry, particularly fruit and vegetable growers, which rely
heavily on manual labor, farmers said.
When I was born, my parents filed paperwork regarding this matter so I got a Social Security number. So either we have a butt load of stupid parents out there, or these employers already knew they were hiring Illegals, or they would never say such a statement. Quite honestly, if they wouldn't have been cutting their costs by hiring cheap Illegal laborers, they wouldn't have this problem. I am sure people were upset when they made Drunk Driving illegal. Now they would get in trouble for doing something wrong. Oh, and are we saying that we, the most advanced country in the world cannot create equipment to do these jobs? I bet it is already out there and these people are just being too cheap to buy it, or invest in it being made. Sorry, your bad, not mine.
United Here Local 8 in Seattle, a union of 5,000 Washington hotel and restaurant
employees, attacked the rules. Research analyst Stefan Moritz called them "increased enforcement measures without any solution in terms of a path
to citizenship."
Excuse me? Have you ever seen our immigration laws? They are quite easy to follow as long as you can read. We do not have racist policies, or even homophobic ones. We actually have the easiest immigration policy in this world. If these people would have done it the Legal way, they wouldn't need a Solution. How backwards can you get?
"I stole this watch because I didn't have money. If you would have given me money, I wouldn't have stolen it from you!" This is exactly what they are saying. Another way to say this is "I wouldn't have to be in prison if you wouldn't have made murder a crime!"
Employers of construction workers worry they're being pushed into serving as the government's proxy for determining a worker's citizenship, said
Eric Franklin, a spokesman for the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of
Carpenters, which represents about 8,500 carpenters in Western Washington.
Hmmm, how many other things are we proxy for? Do we make sure federal laws concerning Child Labor are obeyed? Or how about making sure Woman can have jobs? How about obeying any other Fair Labor standard like the federal minimum wages laws are complied with. We do it every day, so why try to separate this issue? How does this differ? It doesn't.
"The documents workers give you often appear to be authentic," Franklin said.
"If they later turn out not to be, how were employers supposed to know that? The
devil is in the details, and there will be lawsuits for years to come if these
rules go into effect."
That's what this program is for, to help you! If they do not match, find out why. What lawsuits? An employer can retain the employee if they decide to. If they are proven wrong, they will be fined. They give you 90 days, or three months. I am sure any legal person can solve this problem in Three Months. So what are you going to sue about? I knowingly hired an Illegal, and you fined me for it. I am going to sue you because I broke the law! Always trying to scare people with lawsuits. More Fear Mongering. Whatever...
Restaurants in Washington employ about 178,000 workers, some undocumented,
"working and paying taxes -- but we're not giving them a
pathway to citizenship," said Anthony Anton, chief executive of the Washington
Restaurant Association.
Are they really paying taxes? How? If they do not have a valid Social Security number, they are not paying taxes. At least, not for themselves, but for whomever they stole the Social Security from. Identity Theft is a crime, plain and simple. Are they getting a tax return? Isn't that tax fraud? That's a federal crime also. I bet if they even file, they are claiming every credit out there to get more back. More fraud. So, people want you to forget that they broke the law in the original action of coming here Illegally. They skipped their pathway to citizenship in the original act, so why should we do anything for them as a benefit for them? "Ah, sir, you ran over that child with you car back in that playground. Here are keys to a new house." No, we do not reward criminals!
"They would simply drive folks who are fired further
underground, or the employers will pay them off the books," said
Shankar Narayan, policy director for Seattle's Hate Free Zone, a rights
organization serving the Pacific Northwest.
First, since when are we not supposed to Hate people who break our laws? Some criminals I just dislike, others I cannot stand, and others, I truly Hate them. Does this group say we shouldn't hate child raping killers too? Do you want to know why someone might hate these Illegal Immigrants? It is because we law abiding people feel cheated, wronged, and stabbed in the back. I hope the place further underground they are driven to is the border, or where ever they came from. Employers can pay them off of the books, but I would hate to be audited and explaining why I pay out so much cash every two weeks.
"There's an economic reality that employers can't meet their labor needs
given the unreasonable visa caps, so it's hardly surprising
some employers are hiring undocumented folks," Narayan said.
I will tell you what is unreasonable here. The rate of pay. The companies are upset they would have to follow federal wage laws, and also pay a living wage to Americans. All citizens will do better if we remove this crap from business. How many good people lost jobs and business' because of these jerks undercutting them with Illegal workers? Compete on a level field, and the best service provider will win. Illegal workers hurt the legal workers in compressed wages, and that is a fact.
"It's a system not satisfactory for either workers or
It is for me and everyone I know. Our wages will increase, our taxes will go to Legal Citizens, and not Illegals. It is so satisfactory, I am gleeful to see this actually happen. I notice they always ignore how we, the blue collar has been hurt by this nationwide. This is good for all citizens who have not been trying to get rich off of Illegal Immigrants. Those using Illegal Immigrants for work, and paying them substandard wages are just like SLAVE OWNERS!
Maybe that should be the headline here. SLAVE OWNERS FEAR REAL WAGES!