Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today, not yesterday

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776

It is my opinion that this is what can explain the abhorrence of American law and way of life is the complete lack of understanding of the suffrages and sacrifices of our fathers and forefathers.

What does an illegal immigrant understand or know about our history if they did not grow up here? Do not get me wrong, I do realize our schools have found it political correct to teach about our nations founding.

I see Columbus always thrown into the fray, but he did not found our nation. Discovery does not equate foundation. Our nation was not founded by the Conquistadors either. To be completely honest, neither did the British nor the French.

Our nation was created by those who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and all of the other signers of those documents founded this nation.

Did these men singly, or as a whole, journey to South America and Central America in hopes of conquest? In the answer being no, this in fact destroys most of the arguments thrown at us of why these militant illegal immigrants have for being in our nation. American citizens did not colonize South and Central America. Even the land of Aztlan does not belong to those who say they claim it. The Apache, Ute, Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Zuni tribes which claimed these lands were not dragged to the lands of South and Central America and ejected. I do not deny that there should be pause and reflection of the actions of our country’s past in how these people were treated. If we as American citizens want to make up for the sins of those prior to us, many of which we today are not able to trace bloodlines back to, those actions do not involve the illegal immigrants of today.

Now back to our uninvited guests of today. Why do they not have respect of our laws or culture? They claim it is a racial issue, but how can that be true when America calls all people of all races citizens even before their arrival. If there is a race of people not in the United States today which can claim legal residence, I want to know who they are. If our nation was so against Hispanic way of life, why is our nation, especially the southwest, bearing names that are the same as our invaders of today? No, even that is untrue.

So if history is not against us and race is not, what claim do these people of today that are illegal immigrants have against us? Truly I want to know.

If we revisit their claims that over a hundred years ago someone took something from a family member of theirs, what stops all other people in the world from staking that claim? And how far back should we go? Should we restore the Roman Empire? The Pharaohs? The Czars? Which exact year should we roll all things back to? Perhaps the days of Moses. None of these are possible, nor are any of them fair or equal to the people of today.

Some blame the businesses for luring them here with promise of work, and they should be punished, but when we attempt to do that, they complain that they will lose the jobs they have. So which way is it there? If it is true that a business did lure them, why should that business remain untouched allowing the owners to make profit on their backs? Even when we attempt to punish those they blame for their ills, they scream at us.

I have addressed the issue of personal freedom and liberty in their homelands. If this is the fact of becoming an illegal immigrant here, they are cowards for not standing up to those who made life so bad they left. If it is arms they need, we American have plenty to lend or sell. I was challenged on this point before by someone saying that if my homeland became a place where I as a citizen faced imprisonment, torture, or death that I would run away. This for me and many I know is not true. I know many who would stand up with arms and tear down those who threaten our families. This too is cheap on its face to tell all of us that over 12 million people could not overthrow a government. Fidel Castro did it with less than 10,000.

So, none of these aforementioned arguments are valid.

Again, why do these people not respect our laws? It is honest to say they have not paid a price dear enough to earn their own freedoms to understand ours.

Any people who as a whole would come en masse and disrespect those who give them the coverage of their freedoms and liberties do not deserve the protections they receive.

It is here in the aspect of respect, honor, and understanding of our laws and culture which these people lack which forfeits their place here.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Beware ye trespassers

You have come to a land of love and tolerance. We know and practice restraint and patience well. However do not think that we, the people, are blind, deaf, or dumb. We see you and we watch!

As a good father speaks softly words of warning to a child, we speak to you now. Be careful, be kind, be good, and be true.

When the father is not heeded, his voice will rise. It still says the same, be careful, be kind, be good, and be true!

However, when the father is ignored or disrespected of his love and care he might yell to the child, be careful, be kind, be good, and be true!!!!

But after that, it is not wrong or unjust for the father to stand up, grab his child, bend him on his knee, and make the words spoken then be felt even at his own pain.

This is American tolerance. We speak, then yell, and then act.

We have not yet raised our voices. Heed our words, or feel our justice!

I call them Yellow, not brown!

Tell me when this was?

“a small minority of the people were in control of most of the country's power and wealth, while the majority of the population worked in poverty.” Source: mexonline.com

Where did this happen?

“Madero fled to the _______ ______ in October of 1910. In exile, he issued the ''Plan of San Luis,'' a manifesto which declared that the elections had been a fraud and that he would not recognize Porfirio Diaz as the legitimate President of the Republic.” Source: mexconnect.com

What would you call these people?

“During this time there were some people who did not want to fight and they did not want any part of the revolution so they fled to the United States. Some of the factors that made people leave were economic disaster, chaos, danger, and social disorganization. Almost 900,000 Mexican immigrants came to the United States between 1910 and 1920.”
Source: ic.arizona.edu

And where did this happen?

“There, the Magonistas founded the Partido Liberal Mexicano.qv This party, which worked in different parts of the ______ ______, called for changes in the way Mexico was ruled.” Source: tsha.utexas.edu

Almost a hundred years later, it sounds like the Mexican people, and other Central & South American nations, need to have Revolutions. Where do they need to have these revolutions? They are needed in their home countries and not here.

If you are not a citizen of the United States, please quit complaining of the way we do things. Instead, return back to your Birth place and do something to improve your own people’s situation there.

I was asked by a supporter of Illegal Immigrants if I would flee my home country if I was faced with imprisonment, torture, or death. He said this is why many Illegal Immigrants left and it was his apparent justification for running away. Well, in response I ask him, did the United States of Americas founding fathers flee from this land when Britain threatened them with such? NO! And it is in that fact of why we enjoy a quality of life those Illegal Immigrants do not know. If these things were plaguing the free and good citizens of our own country, we would take up arms and destroy those who attempted to take away our freedoms and liberties.

In whole, their error is to leave home to find a better life here instead of being HEROS and making the changes needed in their own homes. In that, I personally see them as cowards and yellow.

Do not come to OUR country and complain about your problems when you can go back and fight for your own freedom and have it there the way you want it. We have our own problems here which we are trying to fix for ourselves.

Now I am sure there are persons who would rather keep the devil they know in power in your abandoned homelands than the devil they do not, however, why do you really care how our government feels? You show you do not by breaking our laws, so why does that stop you from making changes back in your countries?

If you sit here in the United States while not a citizen allowing others in your homelands to suffer, I again have to call you feeble cowards.

If American citizens practiced your line of thought when faced with adverse situations, we would have left our homes empty for the British to fill with syncopates, or allowed Hitler to overrun our lands while we all hid in Canada.

Do not allow yourself to only listen to those in power, because at one time Neville Chamberlain (Prime Minister of Britain1937-1940) said he liked the Nazi’s. In reaction to the grumblings and anger of the United States’ citizens, your dreams of Amnesty here can easily be changed to fears of imprisonment and death here.

Truly I tell you to learn from USA’s best, and go home and take control to improve the lives of your own people. Earn your own freedom in your own land.

Canaries in the Mine

In the past, miners used canaries to warn them of danger. I think it is interesting that Illegal Immigrants and their supporters believe that what they see currently is the actual battles or fights they may have to actually fight. What they hear is just the canaries beginning to warn the others of the dangers.

Why the entire United States has not spoken up against Illegal Immigrants yet is because so many still see them as people to be pitied and felt sorry for. In time all will realize that they are feeble yellow cowards afraid to take action and earn their own freedoms in their own homelands.

This isn’t whimpers of what used to be, nor are they wanted flashbacks of some long ago time, but early warnings to those who believe they will be able to just steal our property by lying their way into our lands cheating those who legally reside here without a reaction. Take heed all those who listen, for this is only the beginning.

I do honestly tell you if you are an Illegal Immigrant here in our country, do not mistake our kindness for acceptance or a bowing down to your takeover. We are practicing tolerance and restraint currently. You would be wiser asking for funds to return to your homelands and begin a revolt to free your people from the wrongs that you claim to exist which forced you here.

American citizens love to root for the underdogs. Think of how much money would be sent to you if you were actually daring and brave enough to really make changes in your homelands. I personally will send money to you if you are actively fighting for a better world in your birthplace. I know I am not alone.

Be smart in your fight and take it to those who truly deserve it. In history, those who actually risk their own lives to fight against bad governments are remembered with honor. What you do here and now will determine your place in history.

You are not Robin Hood. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor citizens of his rightful land. He did not steal and send his booty to France. That would have made him even more hated than those he stole from. Fiction or not doesn’t matter, it was about someone having the wherewithal to actually act against the odds.

I see Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s face all over the place today. It seems interesting to me that his partner Fidel Castro original came to the United States for help before going to the Russians. Poor Che, I guess many forget he was about to be ousted by Raul and Fidel when he left for Africa. As a figurehead, he is a poor and lowly choice.

Since I bring Cuba into this, we should all remember that almost all Cuban’s here want the Castro’s removed and take their country back. In that fact, we allow them a home here. However we do not allow the entire country to flee and stay here until he dies. Do you hear rants against them here? No.
Your fight with us is misplaced. Your fight is with those who made your home a place better left behind. Focus your anger on those there. Prepare yourself and your countrymen to return and take action. Your inaction here is almost criminal on the fact you left how many others behind to continue to suffer under those in control? Only you can change the label I currently give you of being cowards to that of being heroes amongst your own people.

Quit being pawns to those here that are setting you on a path of ruin. What have you done to actually improve the lives of your countrymen back in your homelands?

Go home with honor and pride and take back what is yours and leave those of us here unmolested. The more your people anger American’s is the less support you will receive on the battlefront when you finally see the truth.

If you want our support, the peoples support, rally against those who stole your birthplace. If you left Columbia because of the FARC, then return and remove them. If you left elsewhere because of another person or group harming you and your family, go back and remove them.

If you came here and found it less than what you wanted, go home and make it there. If your fight is a true and good one against evil, you might just see me beside you with my own guns.

The true good fight for you and your people is to overthrow those back in your home country. That would be brave. To hide in our fields and streets is pure cowardliness.

Today, I heard this.

“Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.” “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.”

This is from Proverbs 9:8-12.

Yesterday I was told RACE was the thing which made this country great. I disagree. Those original people who came to this land came as Protestants. They came here and built their society and way of life on the morals, ethics, and beliefs of religion.

If I am wrong, what color were those people they left behind?

Our sovereignty was not fought for based on race, but Freedoms.

Today this country is on a bad path. Freedom is under attack. If you speak of defending yourself and your lands, you are called racist. If you support law, you are a xenophobe. If you are a Patriot, you are insane and behind the times. Why is it that standing up for your own Rights and Freedoms is attacked? It is because they are not politically correct.

I was warned at work that having a political cartoon on my personal computer background of the Lady Liberty holding up a sign stating “legal entry please” was something I could be fired for. Supporting laws already on the books in this country has even become Wrong, but should it be? Will our right of legal self defense become Wrong too? How about our freedom of speech? Oh, wait. Speaking freely in this country is racist. I think not.

It isn’t the color of those coming here I disagree with. Is it the way they twist and bend our freedoms and rights against us which were created for citizens, not invaders. If the only blood you or your family has spilt for being here is cutting your hand crossing our fences, you do not belong.

Let us see which of these our Illegal Immigrants follow…

And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

Well, on the face, I see the following being broken by them.

You shall not steal. Well, it sure seems to me that they are stealing from us jobs, benefits, money, and more which are meant for Citizens.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Each and every time they call us racist, xenophobic, or any of their other lies, they break this.

And TEN, “You shall not covet…..

It sure sounds like every demand they have which they take after the original act of illegally entering our country is coveting our goods, tangible or intangible.

I am very sure with truth we can find examples of their breaking of each, however I will leave that for you.

Again, if the basis of our country was about race, what race were they escaping when they came here?


I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. Thomas Paine

Is this not true? Who is it that dares provoke us into anger? Could it be a people we granted our freedoms to with little to ask in return but honesty? Have they been able to carry their easy burden?

Today and each day forth, YOU, the citizen of this country must ask your family and friends this which must be asked of all patriots. Have these people shown that they deserve our liberties? Do they truly achieve the level of bearing our rights? Or honestly and truly, do they even belong here as one of us?

If the answer is an absolute yes, give them a home. If it is a no, then do whatever you must to remove them, as they are a poison which must be removed. If the poison stays in too long, we all will die.

This country you live in now is YOURS to protect. If your leaders do not act, make them! If they do not, it is YOUR duty to act.

A good man gives his enemy warning which is his turn to retreat. If he does not, consider it a personal attack on your liberty and freedom. Show him no quarter, show him no mercy. All invaders must be made to leave.

Only their own virtue will make them leave in peace. Otherwise, it is your virtue which we depend on to STAY!

Voices from the Grave.

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.”
John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power, 1763

Is it the passage of time that such lessons from our own countries history are forgotten? Apply this to today. How fitting is it? I find it very much so.

Of those of you following what I have written for you, notice the fact that the questions we are dealing with today are so easily answered by quotes of our founding father. I personally believe that it is because we have fallen so far way from the original vision of our founding fathers.

Close and careful inspection of their true intentions will show you that what we have here today is not that which they wanted this country to become.

“It should be your care, therefore, and mine, to elevate the minds of our children and exalt their courage; to accelerate and animate their industry and activity; to excite in them an habitual contempt of meanness, abhorrence of injustice and inhumanity, and an ambition to excel in every capacity, faculty, and virtue. If we suffer their minds to grovel and creep in infancy, they will grovel all their lives.”
John Adams, Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1756

How today are you teaching your children? Do they understand what our country means, or is their view that which is poured upon them from your television? Do they believe enough in your liberty and freedom that they would defend you as parents when you are old? Look at pop culture today and are those the lessons that make one truly great?

I do not ask for war, nor do I look for it. I pray for peace and hope that we can solve these problems of our times without it; however I am not a fool. There are times and places where one must gather together with like minded people armed and determined to make changes happen.

In stating such, I, as have you, make a call to all of us who are citizens of this country. Our actions dictate the lives of our children and families here and now in addition to those who follow us in the future.

Go out without fear and speak about this invasion to your friends, co-workers, family, and others. You will find you are not alone. Gather together and make plans for action. Call, write, speak, and touch others to find more like yourself. Use them all to let your feelings be heard. Due not speak of hate in that it will scare away the moderate support which has not sided with any. We are all angry; do not mistake me as not feeling that too. The difference is knowledge that the logical and calm voice of reason will overcome the screams.

Let sense prevail in this. If we are not heeded because of greed or outside political actions not of our own people, than We The People will do what is a must, and take back those evident freedoms which were given to us by all and any means possible.

“If men through fear, fraud or mistake, should in terms renounce and give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the great end of society, would absolutely vacate such renunciation; the right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave.”
John Adams, Rights of the Colonists, 1772

Is he right?

A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.
Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, February 12, 1779

In this day of Paris Hilton and her like, would it be fair to say we are losing our principles on a national level? When you leave your house and just drive down the road to your work or anywhere else, are you seeing the manners and behavior of a great people anymore, or have we as a nation lost that too?

I am not here to sling insults, but in hopes of asking questions which awaken Patriots to examine themselves and all of those around us. I am not here holding myself up as an example and that is why I use our founding fathers as a measure.

The real difference between people is not race or color, nor is it political affiliation. I believe it is the ability to examine themselves and to see into their heart. That makes a bigger difference than most other things. In saying that I must highlight my intent more closely, those people are easily divided by those who knowingly do right, or wrong.

I bring this forth for all of us to examine ourselves and those who speak here on behalf of Illegal Immigrants.

Are those of us here right in supporting our country, our way of life, our freedoms and liberties? Are we correct in defending our lands and ourselves? Is it correct to expect all peoples who are in or enter our country to obey and respect our laws?

What parts of personal liberties and freedoms do you think are in error that it grants a non-citizen the right to break and enter our country and take what they want without consideration to those who worked for their goods legally?

Should in exchange of these events that legal citizens of America then be allowed to take what they want from Mexico, its peoples, and its lands without rebuke? It seems others are allowing that to happen to us…

Do those who come here illegally and their supporters understand equality, American equality? Do they understand that American equality demands that ALL people be held to equal standards and requirements? Sadly due to politics and money, this original standard has changed, but knowing the original measure and holding these people to it, are they treating us as equals?

Who determined that people who are inside of our borders after an original act of breaking our laws and sovereignty should be allowed our rights and legal protections? Was this ever intended to be, or is it a modern construct created by people who intend to tear down our current way of life to excuse their own behaviors?

Was it not always the intent of legal immigration that those welcomed in became Americans? When was it that this changed that you could be in America but not be American? If we are the melting pot of the world, why are there now those who will not jump in with us and become one? Why should they be allowed to do this when all before did not?

Not only do those here illegally want our rights, they want our privileges’ in return for what? If you do not pay taxes, why do they receive free health care when citizens do not? Do they have bill collectors calling them daily asking them to pay, or do they escape that part of our society too?

Back to our country being built on equal and fair, how is this fair to those who legally live here? Even legal immigrants have to do things to enjoy the rights of our country which illegal immigrants decided to skip and ignore, yet scream for their share.

For everyone who supports illegal immigrants, explain to me and all citizens of this country how it is fair to us. Explain how it is equal in terms of all people already here in this nation that these illegal people get freely things we work and suffer for. Explain to me, my family, and friends why these people should not be held to the standards we have grown up following.

In close, can you as a supporter of illegal immigrants or an illegal immigrant speak without falling to the floor like a child screaming and act as an adult? It would be refreshing to actually see one of you come to our level instead of falling to that which is below where I hold my own children. Or is it because you cannot answer my questions? Please, prove me wrong.