Friday, August 3, 2007

Why reward criminals?

Apparently, Higher education commissioner David Skaggs wants us to give In State Tuition to Illegal Immigrants. I guess whats next is we will reward Criminal Illegal Immigrants scholarships? What I do not understand is why our states and country go so far to reward those who have already broken our laws in the act of just coming here.

Colorado Commission on Higher Education (C)
David E. Skaggs, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Higher Education
1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1200 Denver, Colorado 80204-2059
Telephone: 303-866-2723
Fax: 303-866-4266

As you can see I have added his contact information just in case you want to contact him. I suggest that we pass this on one and make sure as many people as possible contact him and express their feelings about his idea of rewarding Illegal Immigrants.

I am sure his next announcement will be he says we will be releasing all of the state prison population to attend day classes on our campuses since he has decided that we reward criminal activities instead of punish. Quite honestly, this is equal to what he is doing in my mind.

While searching documents about David Skaggs, it is interesting to note he was just involved in a conference which had a subject of raising funds for our colleges. I guess they wanted to disguise their fund raising as being Nice to Illegal Immigrants.

Here is the article that got me going today.

Skaggs: Immigrants Children Should Pay In-State

Colorado Higher Education Commissioner Says Illegal Immigrants'
Children Should Pay In-State Tuition At Universities

(AP) DENVER Higher education commissioner David Skaggs thinks children
of illegal immigrants should be eligible for in-state college tuition and he's
asked the state attorney general to clarify what the current law says.

Public colleges and universities are interpreting the law

Based on an attorney general's opinion from five years ago, Metropolitan
State College of Denver charges nonresident tuition to children of illegal
immigrants. However, such students pay in-state tuition at the University of
Colorado based on the advice of its lawyers, spokesman Bronson Hilliard

If Attorney General John Suthers finds that the law bars in-state tuition
for these students, Skaggs said, he will ask the Legislature change it.

"The disconnect is, we treat these kids as Colorado kids for purposes of
K-12 education, and then suddenly they fall of the edge of the Earth," said
Skaggs, a former Democratic congressman appointed by Gov. Bill Ritter this

Former state Rep. Val Vigil, D-Thornton, unsuccessfully tried to pass such
a law three times in the Legislature, prompting heated debates. No efforts have
moved ahead since 2006, when the Legislature focused on cracking down on illegal

Now here is the Conference in which they must have discussed using Illegal Immigrants money to solve their funding problems. So they are moving towards solving their problems by using rewards to criminals.

Creating A Vision For The Future

I see what David Skaggs is doing is as bad as business hiring Illegal Immigrants to cut costs, but here he is trying to fix his problems by taking their money.

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