The article is Troopers Arrests 48 Suspected Illegal Immigrants from the AP and listed on CBS 4 Denver. Here is a quote.
Members of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition planned a vigil
Wednesday for those affected by the arrests. They denounced what some members
called "police-state" tactics.
"It is a sad day to see the state of Colorado using the very limited
resources it has to enforce federal immigration laws," says Eddie Soto of
CompaIneros in Durango in a written statement. "Our lawmakers in Washington do
not have the guts to tackle this issue and use our precious tax dollars which
should be spent on education and health care."
Watkins said troopers could only stop cars for traffic violations.
In my neck of the woods, we can tell who the Illegal Immigrants are when they drive. They are the ones doing less than the speed limit. Now you should ask a question here. If they are Illegal, and they do not have a drivers license, how do they get Car Insurance? They don't because they cannot.
Also said was "Our lawmakers in Washington do not have the guts to tackle this issue and use our precious tax dollars which should be spent on education and health care." by Eddie Soto. Hmmm, I think you have that one all messed up sir. To much of our (our meaning American Tax Payers) money is being spent to take care of those who do not pay taxes. It has been released by the GAO that we actually endure a net loss on each Illegal that is in our country because of their status of working and not paying into the tax base. It costs us (Legal Citizen Taxpayers) more to have Illegal Immigrants in our towns and country than is ever collected from them.
Now back to car insurance. If you are hit by an Illegal Immigrant, who pays the bills? You and your insurance company. Who will suffer? You will with higher rates and do you really thing the Illegal is going to step up and pay your deductible? You have a better chance of them doing a hit and run to avoid the police who will be coming soon.
Eddie Soto also says we live in a "Police State". However it is clearly stated by Watkins that "troopers could only stop cars for traffic violations." which is far from racial profiling and just pulling over brown, black, yellow, white, and red skinned individuals randomly because they do not like the way they look. This always reminds me of how race is brought into this, but the last couple I saw deported that I knew personally were two whites from Poland. I wish people would realize that the only issue here is the ILLEGAL part.
What happens here is compounding events. Because of Illegal entry to our country, those people are unable to get car insurance, social security cards, resident alien cards, passports, and many more things. Due to that, when they work, they are committing more crimes. When they collect benefits, they are committing more crimes. The only event they can do without committing another crime is LEAVING.
We do need to solve this problem. Anything less than an actual aggressive deportation policy is going to create massive hate amongst the citizens of this country. If that happens, what could possibly come next is the "Police State" in our country where people would live in fear.
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