Thursday, August 9, 2007

Illegal In State Tuition?

As we saw in my last post, David Skaggs believes we should reward Illegal Immigrants with reduced tuition. Out of curiosity, I emailed him to see if he was man enough to respond. The following is the email I sent. All I wish for is for him to explain his standing.


I read an article stating that you support allowing Illegal Immigrants the
right of In State Tuition. I would love to have you explain to me why you want
to reward criminals with reduced tuition costs? How much further out of state
can one get than being from outside of our country? Didn't we (the citizens of
Colorado) make it clear in the last vote by passing Referendum H & K, both
dealing with Illegal Immigrants, with a majority, that we are angry with our tax
dollars going to support these criminals? And now, after the majority of
Colorado residents have shown our dislike of these criminals living in our
state, that you say we should allow them MORE benefits? Please, explain your

The state of Colorado, via the federal government, has trained our State
Patrol to enforce federal immigration laws, and is doing so. Many have been
arrested and are in the process of being deported. In time, more will be also. I
never saw anywhere on the last ballot asking voters if we the people approve of
your idea. I am going to follow this issue, and if I do not like what I see, I
will ask that this becomes a referendum on our next state ballot. Quite honestly
sir, you should ask the people how they feel about this.

Perhaps, sir, you should place this on the ballot for all of us to decide.
If a majority agree with you, so be it. Really, if you think this is such a
wonderful idea, and most of us will agree, let us, the people, decide in the
public forum.

So, I sent this just a short time ago. I do highly doubt that he will respond. Why are people so quick to forgive Illegal Immigrants their crimes? Now let me again make this very clear, I am not against any Legal Immigrants, nor am I against any race, religion, sexual preference, or country of origin.

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