Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cowards in the cradle of our nation?

Dear God, I pray that you will look over those so overcome by fear that they do nothing against the criminals of our country. Amen.

OK people, I was reading newspapers online from all across our East Coast. I saw more stories of crime than good. I have never seen such a thing. Do they not care about their or others safety? Are they so beaten down that they sit home afraid every night? What creates cowards in this nation so wide spread that criminals overtake our states?

Is it cowards, or bad laws that prevent people from doing good for themselves and others?

Why, and really I ask, why is it in so called Blue states crime rates are higher than so called Red states? I wish I knew the answer.

When people of our nation quit looking for the easy way out and run from tough times, we might see the nation our founding father envisioned.

I do not give a shit how you vote, but if you vote as a pussy and allow bad things to grow, you are a fool. Put people in office who will actually make a difference. Screw party lines if your Blue option is a wuss, and the same for those Reds out there.

I gave 10 (ten) years of my life chasing shit bag criminals. I know I made a difference. In saying that I challenge you to do something.

Start giving a shit and doing shit and quit being a piece of shit!!!!!!

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