Monday, September 17, 2007

Is he right?

A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.
Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, February 12, 1779

In this day of Paris Hilton and her like, would it be fair to say we are losing our principles on a national level? When you leave your house and just drive down the road to your work or anywhere else, are you seeing the manners and behavior of a great people anymore, or have we as a nation lost that too?

I am not here to sling insults, but in hopes of asking questions which awaken Patriots to examine themselves and all of those around us. I am not here holding myself up as an example and that is why I use our founding fathers as a measure.

The real difference between people is not race or color, nor is it political affiliation. I believe it is the ability to examine themselves and to see into their heart. That makes a bigger difference than most other things. In saying that I must highlight my intent more closely, those people are easily divided by those who knowingly do right, or wrong.

I bring this forth for all of us to examine ourselves and those who speak here on behalf of Illegal Immigrants.

Are those of us here right in supporting our country, our way of life, our freedoms and liberties? Are we correct in defending our lands and ourselves? Is it correct to expect all peoples who are in or enter our country to obey and respect our laws?

What parts of personal liberties and freedoms do you think are in error that it grants a non-citizen the right to break and enter our country and take what they want without consideration to those who worked for their goods legally?

Should in exchange of these events that legal citizens of America then be allowed to take what they want from Mexico, its peoples, and its lands without rebuke? It seems others are allowing that to happen to us…

Do those who come here illegally and their supporters understand equality, American equality? Do they understand that American equality demands that ALL people be held to equal standards and requirements? Sadly due to politics and money, this original standard has changed, but knowing the original measure and holding these people to it, are they treating us as equals?

Who determined that people who are inside of our borders after an original act of breaking our laws and sovereignty should be allowed our rights and legal protections? Was this ever intended to be, or is it a modern construct created by people who intend to tear down our current way of life to excuse their own behaviors?

Was it not always the intent of legal immigration that those welcomed in became Americans? When was it that this changed that you could be in America but not be American? If we are the melting pot of the world, why are there now those who will not jump in with us and become one? Why should they be allowed to do this when all before did not?

Not only do those here illegally want our rights, they want our privileges’ in return for what? If you do not pay taxes, why do they receive free health care when citizens do not? Do they have bill collectors calling them daily asking them to pay, or do they escape that part of our society too?

Back to our country being built on equal and fair, how is this fair to those who legally live here? Even legal immigrants have to do things to enjoy the rights of our country which illegal immigrants decided to skip and ignore, yet scream for their share.

For everyone who supports illegal immigrants, explain to me and all citizens of this country how it is fair to us. Explain how it is equal in terms of all people already here in this nation that these illegal people get freely things we work and suffer for. Explain to me, my family, and friends why these people should not be held to the standards we have grown up following.

In close, can you as a supporter of illegal immigrants or an illegal immigrant speak without falling to the floor like a child screaming and act as an adult? It would be refreshing to actually see one of you come to our level instead of falling to that which is below where I hold my own children. Or is it because you cannot answer my questions? Please, prove me wrong.

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