Monday, September 17, 2007

Beware ye trespassers

You have come to a land of love and tolerance. We know and practice restraint and patience well. However do not think that we, the people, are blind, deaf, or dumb. We see you and we watch!

As a good father speaks softly words of warning to a child, we speak to you now. Be careful, be kind, be good, and be true.

When the father is not heeded, his voice will rise. It still says the same, be careful, be kind, be good, and be true!

However, when the father is ignored or disrespected of his love and care he might yell to the child, be careful, be kind, be good, and be true!!!!

But after that, it is not wrong or unjust for the father to stand up, grab his child, bend him on his knee, and make the words spoken then be felt even at his own pain.

This is American tolerance. We speak, then yell, and then act.

We have not yet raised our voices. Heed our words, or feel our justice!

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