Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why is he a citizen?

OK, if you watch the news, you have heard about Elvira Arellano, 32. Now, let us go over the facts.

Yes, she has a child of the age of 8. Now, why this should be more of a focus is because she was ordered to leave our country in 1997. So, ten years ago, she was not with child then.

She broke our laws, gets punished by deportation, and comes back to have a baby, hides out in a church, and gets deported again. Sounds like she planned this one. This isn't about the kid. It would have been if the kid was 11. But, this kid was born after she was removed and re-entered. How is it our fault than?

Perhaps we need to pass a law which says a child of a deported parent cannot become a legal citizen. I guess if you get caught once, the next time shouldn't count? So, lets rob our first bank soon, because when they come to punish you, we can hide in churches complaining that they are wrong to punish us.


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