Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nice Change in Greeley CO.

I hope as time goes by we will continue to see more stories like this one around the state and the country.

Challenger Clark wins Greeley mayoral race
By Monte Whaley
The Denver Post,
November 7, 2007

Greeley -- Challenger Ed Clark ousted incumbent Mayor Tom Selders handily Tuesday night in an election overshadowed by issues of illegal immigration.

Clark, a school security guard and former Greeley police officer, bested Selders by 7,858 votes to 5,015. Selders, a longtime fixture in city government and a two-term mayor, couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday night.

Selders earned the ire of many conservatives in Greeley for traveling to Washington, D.C., earlier this year to complain that raids by Immigration Customs and Enforcement agents at Swift meatpacking plants were disruptive to families.

At least two outside groups targeted Selders for his stance, saying he was soft on illegal immigrants. One group — Alliance for a Better Greeley — distributed a mailer showing a group characterized as gangsters flashing gang signs under text that read 'Tom Selders is Good for Business.'

Clark said he had nothing to do with the campaign against Selders. Clark — a former officer in Greeley's gang unit — said he wanted to add at least 20 new officers to the Greeley force and get the city more involved in after-school programs for kids.

Clark drew criticism for pulling a weapon on an intruder at University Schools, where he works. School officials backed Clark's use of the gun.

The fact that this man is a former Gang Officer leads me to believe he has a much better grasp of what is going on regarding illegal aliens then most anyone else has.

Since people in charge ignore the advice and information which is available regarding the increase in gang activity, drug smuggling, and other crimes violent or not, we need to put those who do know in power.

If we do not, we are going to lose our country.

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