Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Illegal Aliens Have Already Elected The Next President Of The United States

Illegal Aliens Have Already Elected The Next President Of The United States
By Douglas MacKinnon
Monday, November 5, 2007

You can see it. You can hear it. You can feel its immense power even though it is still a year away.

The “it,” is the perfect storm brewing against the eventual Democratic nominee for president. A storm being fueled by the dual forces of illegal immigration and the war in Iraq.

With regard to illegal immigration, the debacle in New York State caused by Governor Elliot Spitzer’s insistence on giving illegal aliens a driver’s license seems to have been the proverbial straw that has broken the camel’s back. When asked about Spitzer’s plan during the latest Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton eagerly twisted herself into a pandering pretzel as she tried desperately to be all things to all people. The next day inexplicably saw her “clarify” that answer by declaring that she in fact, supported driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. Goodbye, Mrs. Clinton.
With a year to go before the election, it seems as if the entire United States has suddenly woken up to the growing threat posed by illegal aliens streaming across our borders. Not the least of which of those waking up being moderate Democrats and independents. As evidenced by the 72% of New Yorkers who are against Spitzer’s – and now Hillary’s – plan.

City after city, county after county, and state after state, are finally listening to the impassioned pleas of their citizens to forcefully deal with this problem. Talk about incredibly bad news and bad timing for the Democrats.

No matter the Republican or Democratic nominees for president, two things have been made crystal clear to the voters. The Republican will be strongly against amnesty for illegal aliens, while the Democrat will strongly favor amnesty and a path to citizenship for those who entered the country illegally.

For the Democrats running for president and their multitude of liberal supporters in the media, the realization that the country has just flipped on them on illegal immigration has hit them like a lightning bolt. They are panic stricken and you can see it in their eyes, read it in their columns, and watch it on their biased and fawning newscasts. “What do we do now?,” they are screaming behind the scenes.

For the last few years, the Democratic party has predicated its entire presidential “victory” on the “quagmire” of Iraq. Whoops. Seems like they badly judged that issue as well. As Iraq is becoming more and more stable, it is becoming less and less important to the voters of the nation. Despite only being force fed negative news on the subject by the left leaning networks and newspapers, the American people are more than bright enough to realize that Iraq is turning around and that the “unbiased” media has been spinning them for partisan reasons these last number of years.

Realizing that the surge is working and that Iraq is improving, the liberal media – in its continual efforts to smear the Bush administration and soften the ground for the Democrats -- tried to go after Blackwater and other contractors in the hopes of keeping some negative news on the front page and on the evening newscasts. They did so, but quickly found out that the American people were no longer paying attention.

No. As evidenced by the fact that at least 43 states, and over 30 cities and counties have enacted numerous hard hitting immigration-related laws this year, it has become abundantly clear that the American people have chosen to focus on the security of our borders and who is literally, illegally crossing their backyards. For them, that is now an overriding campaign issue for 2008.

The Democrats foolishly put all of their eggs into the “Iraq is bad and illegal immigration is good” basket. A basket that has just been knocked over by illegal aliens and uncensored news. As those eggs break on the faces of the Democratic candidates, they should know one thing: A Republican will be elected president in 2008.

Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the novel, America's Last Days .


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