Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fred Thompson for President

As I have said before, when I was younger I was a democrat. This goes way back, and I remember crying when Jimmy Carter lost his bid for re-election. Once I could vote at age 18, I voted for Bill Clinton, and again I voted to re-elect him. But things changed, I changed, and the world changed.

I changed when I watched what the Democrats and Bill Clinton did when we were attacked overseas by Radical Islamics. Our embassies were bombed, nothing happened. The World Trade Center was bombed (the first time, not 9-11) and again, nothing happened. We were attacked in Saudi Arabia, again, nothing happened. The USS Cole was attacked, and as with all others, nothing happened. I find it interesting all of these things happened prior to 9-11 but many like to say we caused this, and its our fault, and we cause this to continue by being in Iraq and Afghanistan. These people must have slept through history. We have been attacked by Radical Islamics since the birth of our country. I was just listening to Dennis Miller while he was interviewing Alan Dershowitz speaking about Thomas Jefferson, and why Jefferson signed on to the Constitution, and how that was influenced by our ships being attacked by the Barbary Pirates in 1776. The pirates just happened to be Radical Islamics. So, since our beginning we have had this issue rise again and again. 225 years of Islamic attacks.

Now, I hear people say things since Desert Storm that we keep fighting with Iraq over oil. I think this is interesting due to the fact I thought we went to war with Iraq to kick them out of Kuwait? Maybe my mind is getting old and foggy in my early thirties, but I seem to remember Saddam Hussein invaded a country that didn't want him there. I also seem to remember after giving his military the boot, we helped repair the oil rigs, but I do not remember Kuwait becoming a state of the US. I don't remember their government being ousted by us and flying our flag over their lands, and especially do not remember our gas prices falling dramatically because of our taking over of another countries oil. So now we have been in Iraq for a couple of years, and we are trying to help them control their own country. Let me repeat that, we are there helping them control their own homeland. I do know that our military is powerful enough that if we wanted Iraq as a new state, and if we wanted to keep it for ourselves, we would have done it by now. We are not dictators, nor has the United States ever taken over other countries for the soul goal of making it ours. Instead my friends are overseas fighting insurgents that are from places OTHER THEN IRAQ!!!!! I do not know if you get to chat with any of our boys in the armed forces, but I do. I asked them point blank, who is it you are fighting and are they Iraqis? Guess what, the answer was that they were not Iraqis, and that they were from other countries. My guys even added that things are getting much better over there, and that where they were, the Iraqi Military and Police were in control. They said their main mission was to assist and support the Iraqis. Does this sound like we are taking over their country to steal their oil? I think not.

Oh, but what does this have to do with my party change, and my change of mind? Really simple, but something which took time to get to. I saw Bush 1 help people retake their homes from a bully, but then saw Bubba Clinton let us be attacked again and again with token cruise missiles aimed at worthless targets. Even Jimmy Carter called him on it when he bombed a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. Wow, Jimmy Carter told the world the Bill Clinton bombed a target which had nothing to do with the people killing our people. Add this to all of the other attacks where he and his party did nothing and I became angry. Quite honestly, if anyone ever made our country look like a WEAK HORSE, it was him. I blame the Clinton's for not doing something sooner which then cost us more American lives. What kind of an American does that? Not a good one! Do your own research and tell me that Bubba didn't leave the door open for all that lead up to 9-11. The terrorists were in our country planning attacks while he was in office. If you think they showed up the day after George Bush 2 took office, you are dead wrong. So, what did Bush 2 do different? He sent out our troops and got payback! We hurt them. We hunted them, and we still are hunting them. Over 2000 days have passed since 9-11 and we have not had an attack on our homeland because he is doing something about it. Is this because the terrorists gave up? No. We have caught them preparing for more attacks but because someone in charge isn't screwing his intern in the Oval Office.

Now I listen to all of the debates. I watch them and read the follow ups. I do my research and learn more about what is being said. I do not let my emotion take control, but my logic. Heck, my logic has sent me to supporting someone not even officially in the race. Fred Thompson is who I support. No one else on the Right or Left is making anywhere close to as much sense as he is, and he isn't even in the race, yet! Check out his site, read his writings, and come back here and tell me if I am wrong, and why you think I am wrong. He is prepared to act, he doesn't flip and flop, and he doesn't believe he started the Internet or blame humans for Global Warming.

Check out Fred people, he is the one who should be running our country!

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