Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fairness Doctrine

OK, if you have not heard about this, the Democrats want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. This was a law enforced by the FCC to ensure that every opinion was countered by a differing opinion. This deals mainly with talk radio, and is stupid. The Democrats are upset that truly, their radio shows are not getting the ratings that conservative radio shows are getting. Ah, its the free market stupid! If people do not want to listen to you, do not force us to. If people like what they hear, they listen.

So, Air America is bankrupt? Hmmm, think that the majority of people didn't want to hear what they said? Honestly, if I agreed with their program, or if any of you did in mass, they would be there and doing very well. Lets take Dennis Miller for example. He as many of us used to be Democrats, and I will sadly admit I voted for Bill Clinton twice, BUT I cannot stand the Democrats party anymore because they flip and flop, they lie, and they are hateful to anyone who disagrees. I will listen to anyone, and even when I disagree, I do not slam you, I do not say you are wrong. As a matter of fact I will seek out information on what you said and get the whole story. Let me get deeper into this....

Global Warming: Is it happening? Yes! Is it our fault? No! Why do I say this? Well, in college I took a geology course in which our professor, a PHD., told us that climate changes and has done so throughout the entire history of the world. He showed us great climbs and falls in temps that happened EVEN BEFORE HUMANS EXISTED!!!!!! So, nature is going to do whatever it wants to do. Oh, and this was years before Al Gore came out with his movie.

What happened to all of us looking for pollution and doing something to clean it up? I do not disagree we all need to reduce our footprint. I practice Leave No Trace, I am working towards building a completely solar powered house with only renewable resources. I want an electric car, but only because I do not want any of my money going to people who blow up our buildings. Are you confused? You shouldn't be. I spent 90 plus days camping each year for about ten years, and I love nature. Does this make me want to burn Ford's? No.

So, back to being an environmentalist, do I have to be anti-meat and a leftist? No. Is there people working towards cleaning things up. Yes. People still do this, but some do not want to know that plenty of this is done by hunters trying to maintain or repair habitat that was damaged by big business and ignored by big government. I want to bring up something about history. Who started National Parks? It was President Grant, a radical republican. Isn't it interesting that a conservative started conserving land for all of us to enjoy? Now I know the response to this as I have heard it before, today's Republicans are not those of the past. I agree, and guess what? We are the ones to change that by voting.

So lets cut to the main chase. If you open a business and no one likes your store, you'll go out of business. If people love your store, you'll grow and expand. So why should we pass laws making bad business' stay open when the public has made it's opinion clear? We shouldn't, and if you believe we should, you are taking our freedoms away from us, and even more so, yourself!

Do your research before you think someones an idiot. It will keep you from looking like more of an idiot.

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