OK everyone, it time to get the word out. Toronto needs to feel what happens when all gun owners ban travel to a city.
To learn more, go to http://www.torontothebad.com/ .
Here is what the Mayor of Toronto has to say about America Gun Owners.
- About American Firearms Owners
- The U.S. is exporting its problem of violence to the streets of Toronto,
... this should come as no surprise, there’s a complete lack of common sense in the US and its easier for a Canadian to drive down to a place like Ohio and go to a gun show and bring it back in. - "It's a sign that the lack of gun laws in the U.S. is allowing guns to flood across the border that are literally being used to kill people in the streets of Toronto,"
- There’s a heck of a lot of Americans who believe in common sense gun control. Maybe they’ll wake up and discover that they’re exporting literal death to the streets of Toronto and other Canadian cities.
- The law must be changed and we have to continue to work with American mayors to stop the flow of guns across the border into Canada,
- There are two sources: They're from Canada and the United States. The Canadian guns sometimes are from registered gun owners, as we sadly saw last week, often are from guns stolen from so-called collectors. And it's time to close those loopholes. And we must be much more aggressive to stop the guns coming from the United States.
- We've got ongoing work with U.S. jurisdictions and that's important as something we can do. We've ask our legal department to explore every avenue of what we can do to get at the supply of guns and ammunition.
- We need to take a strong stand about it and make it a big issue between Canada and the US so the Americans choose to make a different choice about it.
- I’ve lived in the States, I went to university in the States and I don’t think there’s a place for guns there either...
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