Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Before I forget...

I was privy to adding up the true snow totals which were recorded by the Snow Safety Department of Crested Butte Professional Ski Patrol.

The end total was 360.75 inches for the entire winter.

I guess the marketing department did not like this total and added 40 inches to the amounts which guests were told.

I guess all in the world of money 40 inches of fake snow is alright.

Breeding like rabbits.

Prairie dogs are not dogs, nor are they endangered.

So, here in Gunnison County of Colorado, some have decided to try to make Prairie Dogs listed on the endangered species listing with the federal government.

I believe these people are not foolish, but downright stupid.

These animals breed at a rate which no matter how many are shot, there are more being born.

Since man began ranching, they have tried and tried to remove these rats which cause massive damage to pastures.

If they could have completely removed them, they would have done it by now.

The truth is that this is not about protecting these animals, but to make one by one another animal which cannot be hunted in the end goal of ending all hunting all together.

Wake up people. This is an assault on our rights and privileges.